Walter's Photos from Summer '99 Stack Testing

In the Summer of 1999, Walter Tokarz did an internship with the Northeast Utilities Environmental Lab. During two stack testing trips, he took these photos. The pictures were taken with a cheap disposable camera (one doesn't take one's expensive Minolta up on the stack!)

All photos ©1999 Walter Tokarz

This gallery was created by AGB in about an hour and a half, including scanning in the snapshots.

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Merrimac River
Little Stack Middletown Plant
Cooling Tower
Merrimac Pool
Main Stack Middletown Power Plant
Stack Testing--Merrimac Power Plant (NH)
Main Stack Middletown
At the Merrimac Power Plant (NH)
Merrimac Tower
Fuel Oil Towers
Testing at Merrimac Power Plant (NH)
Track from the Stack...
Fuel Storage
Stack Testing in Merrimac
A River View

Unless otherwise noted, all images ©2000 Anthony Benoit. These pictures may be freely used for educational or non-profit purposes.

Note: These images have been compressed to speed up downloading.
If you want an uncompressed original (eg, for printing) email me.

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Page written and maintained by Anthony Benoit

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